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Week-end trip to Milan

Me and my husband used to go there every month but since we've got 2 kids, it's impossible and too tiring. So nowadays we're there every 3 or 4 months to stay in his parents' place.

Actually this long pace gave me "New Milan" view. Before I didn't like there so much but after being in the country where all the shops are the same in every town, city and shopping malls, everything in Milan is so fascinating.

I know that a lot of people don't really like Milan. And I know why.

You just don't know where to go except the Duomo area.

To know the real face of Milan, you gotta go to the places where local people go.

This time the stay was too short so we didn't go to many new places, but pretty much enjoyed in this new Garibaldi area. Outstanding skyscrapers are built and of course they have various shops and restaurants.

We went to this bookstore/bistro called RED.

It's so spacy and cozy. This is the awesome place especially for the bookworms.

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