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Tapas Lunch in Zurich

It's been a long time to go out with my friends to Zurich without my little girls. Thanks to my husband who took the day off for his paren'ts visit. Hooray!

So, I asked my friends out to Zurich for the early morning shopping & lunch.

Finally, freedom! ( only one day though...)

Bodega espagnola Zurich

I wanted to go to this Spanish restaurant for a long time but I was feeling awkward going there with my children. So I didn't have a chance till today.

My hunch was so right. This place became one of my most favorite places in Zurich.

Bodega Espagnola

It's located in the old town of Zurich, on the main street near the Grossmünster.

Tapas lunch is on the first floor. I guess on the second floor is for the proper dinner time.

You can choose any tapas you want from the show case. Each tapas costs 6 CHF.

You can also order Paella if they're making in a big pan. Me and my friends took but it was a lot so we filled our stomach mostly by this and couldn't take a lot of Tapas.

Homemade sangria is about 9 CHF and it was awesome.

It definitely worth an another visit. (If I manage to go out without kids...)

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